Standing Rock.
Bitter powers, government run, you are not going to shake me. You are not going to break me. What you do won’t make me. I stand with the birth of the land. I stand with the birth of the sky. I stand with the birth of the wind. I stand with the fresh air and waters at standing rock.
Bitter powers, what you do, won’t make me or shake me. My resolve, we’ll evolve deeper and evolve stronger. Big, like the big dipper. Water hose me. Strip search me. You won’t shame me. Your dirty hose and dirty nose, you won’t shame me. I’ll stand composed, jumping in the cold. Ice in my hair endlessly warm because I cared to be unshaken. Unbroken, by your strip searches and water trenches.
I’ll stand like the stars, wind, the mountains and rains. I’ll stand like rushing streams. I will stand with you on rocks. I will stand with you in love. One planet, one people. I’ll spend with you in realness in the struggle to protect mother earth.
I’ll stand with you, Standing Rock.
(Sound of a cell door closing.) These commentaries are recorded by Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio.