Rabbitsofrealness.com. Rabbits of Realness is something that me and my art partner, Sara Marie Bottaro founded and we are creating a Rabbit Hole with different authors where we could be like a consulting company, you know, and people could come on board and check out the Rabbits of Realness Instagram, we got an Instagram Rabbits of Realness. And if they want to join in celebration of life and celebration of art and the creation of art, they could join us and we setting up the thing where you can just, you know, sign up and be a part of Rabbits of Realness.
And we got – some of the people can come into the Rabbit Hole, but most of the time, we gonna be like a consultant company trying to help people flesh out their ideas, their art ideas. Trying to get people to understand Shakespeare better, cuz a lot of people, when they asked me about Shakespeare, and when I explained them in a way that I explained it, they gain some kind of enlightenment.
And also, we want to have a section inside the Rabbits of Realness, dealing with letter writing, because we don’t want that art form to die. We want to keep the art of letter writing alive. And also, I got painters, philosophers, poets, artists, actors, filmmakers, musicians, I’m a musician myself, and I play the Native flute. And I got animators, I got all these people there in the rabbit holes, professors to help flesh out anybody’s idea of art that they want to get out into the world. And for the young and for old, we build, we gonna do that basically free and we hope to get a little something for the project manager to keep her there to manage the Rabbits of Realness website and Instagram.
So I hope people will call in or go to spoonjackson.org orgo to rabbitsofrealness.org or .com I think it is, go to saramariebottaro.com. She’s an artist and painter and philosopher and singer and dancer, she’s, you know, all that and we got–we’re trying to get, you know, get out there into the world. So if you want to check us out, please go to Rabbits of Realness Instagram. And then another thing you could do is just you could send me your inner rabbit line. For examples of that, you could go to Instagram and just text one line or create one line about your inner rabbit. I know people say: What is an inner rabbit? Inner rabbit is whatever you see it as, whatever you feel it as, whatever you create inside you, that comes out as that line. So I would advise everybody to go there and you’ll see one of my friends on that Instagram, of Rabbits of Realness, is Ani DiFranco. She sent me her inner rabbit line. And so I’d like to get that out too. Thank you for allowing me to do this.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.