Kudos for Holiday Appeal of the PDC
Assange, Palestine, and Other Freedom Struggles
Assange, Palestine, and Other Freedom Struggles. Julian Assange, a journalist and publisher for the internet agency known as WikiLeaks, faces a frightening regime of U.S. torture if he’s extradited to America on false espionage charges.… Full Transcript
A Welcome To The Oppressed
“A welcome to the oppressed. Dear friends, I greet you all at the People’s Forum in New York City. As we reason and reflect on the plight of Palestine, let us not forget the recent… Full Transcript
Sunshine In Palestine
On Saturday past, hundreds of Palestinian political prisoners announced a stunning victory against the repressive conditions in Israeli prisons. After Israeli prison officials granted some concessions, a majority of Palestinian prisoners who had engaged in… Full Transcript
What is Palestine to the U.S.
For some, this may come as a surprise, for it seems illogical, but the U.S. doesn’t hate Palestine. It arms and finances its nemesis, Israel – yes. It votes consistently with Israel in the United… Full Transcript
A Tale of Two Oppressed Communities
At first glance, the communities of Ferguson, in Missouri, and of Gaza, in the Israeli Occupied Territories, share virtually nothing in common. One is situated in the richest country on earth. The other sits on… Full Transcript
Israel: Settler Colonial Apartheid State
Six years ago, when Israel launched its blitzkrieg against Gaza, it left only after some 700 Gazans: men, women and children, were dead. This occurred under George W. Bush, with the U.S. neocon administration winking,… Full Transcript
David Vs. Goliath
The biblical tale of David vs. Goliath is the quintessential story of how the weak can prevail over the mighty. It gives people hope that perhaps they can prevail over terrible adversity. In the Middle… Full Transcript
Palestine Prisons
It is one of the ironies of history that the descendants of the beleaguered Warsaw Ghetto in Poland, subjected to the bitter hatreds and repression of the Nazis, have established an entire sea of the… Full Transcript
Attack Dogs Of War
Once again, Israel is in a rage, bombing a weaker Arab neighbor, one that would be hard pressed to face the most powerful armed force in the Middle East. And once again, the U.S.is playing… Full Transcript
Dear friends, comrades, and associates. I send kudos to you all for sendingsupport to people inside of what has been called “the iron house” by ourbrother and comrade Leonard Peltier. I’m impressed with the spirit… Full Transcript