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Requesting Information
This is Torrey Braxton 313197, coming with a few requests. I’m currently incarcerated in the Michigan Department of Corrections, and we’ve been busy at the Law- Fellow inmates been real busy at the Law Library,… Full Transcript
Michigan Tough On Crime pt. 2
Prisoners here in Michigan – moreso, it’s not all, you know it’s never all, it’s always a few, some, or many – but I’ve ran across a few men in prison who were ready to… Full Transcript
Michigan Tough on Crime pt.1
Hello, my name is Mr. Eddie Treadwell from Alger Correctional Facility here in Michigan prisons, who been locked up over 32 years, incarcerated without any type of real rehabilitation or any incentive to try to… Full Transcript
Grievance Act of 2020
“The eradication of the State Institutional Grievance Process Act of 2020.” The primary purpose of this act is to eradicate and replace the state department of correction’s grievance process with a float 17-member grievance commission… Full Transcript
Anti-Corruption Trust Act
“The Anti-Corruption Unjust Enrichment Institutional Consumer Protection Act of 2020.” The primary purpose of this act is to chill unjust enrichment enjoyed by the state department and state departmental entities, distributed phone time, and the… Full Transcript
Equal Protection: Fact or Fiction
Hello, and welcome to Prison Radio commentaries. I am William A. Noguera, and this piece is entitled “Equal Protection: Fact or Fiction.” In this country, everyone is supposed to be treated equally and fairly. However,… Full Transcript
Of Jailhouse Lawyers
“Of Jailhouse Lawyers.” To be a jailhouse lawyer is to be, above all, a prisoner, and as such, among the most despised of men and women in the nation. “Jailhouse lawyer” was similarly a term… Full Transcript
CDC Removes Lawbooks from Prisoners
My name is Stevie J. Stevenson. I am a California state prisoner. The title of this is “CDC Finally Gets its Chance at Taking the Lawbooks Away from Prisoners.” In 1966, over 100 inmates filed… Full Transcript
Rebel Lawyers Speech
“Rebel Lawyers.” Dear friends at Yale Law School, dear rebel lawyers on the MOVE. I greet you all as I endeavor to address the issue of rebel lawyers. When I think of the term, the… Full Transcript
Message for Lynne Stewart Event
Long live John Africa. On the MOVE, y’all. I greet you all from slow death row. We join you today in memory of Lynne Stewart Esq., a people’s lawyer in the finest tradition of that… Full Transcript
Educated in Hell, The Imprisonment of Lorenzo Cat Johnson
“Educated in Hell: The Imprisonment of Lorenzo Cat Johnson.” He was barely 20 when he was in prison by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, sent to prison on a trumped-up murder charge, sentenced to life on… Full Transcript
Corporate Supremacy (Version B)
Corporate Supremacy (Version A)
Blackman Bows Out of Death Game
U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Harry A. Blackmun, the court senior justice who recently announced his retirement, has firmly held as a matter of constitutional law that the death penalty, as currently administered, is unconstitutional.… Full Transcript
“The idiocies of original intent.” For several decades, right wing ideologues and lawyers have argued that the U.S. Constitution must only be interpreted according to what they call original intent—or according to how the Founding… Full Transcript