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Message for Black Radical Tradition Philly Conference
The War Against White Men
Several days ago, while viewing the Sunday weekly CNN show hosted by Fareed Zakaria, I saw a segment documenting the rising death tolls of white men, especially those between the ages of 45 and 54… Full Transcript
Electing Enemies
The U.S. Presidential elections are over a year from now, but if you relied on national media accounts, you’d think that they were all but imminent. But this isn’t the elections; it’s like an obstacle… Full Transcript
Politicians Servants of the Wealthy
It is impossible to look at the current crop of political presidential aspirants and not be struck by their level of subservience to the wants and needs of the owner class. Like Puppies panting in… Full Transcript
’68: Then and Now (Version B)
’68: Then and Now (Version A)
NAFTA Democrats (Version B)
NAFTA Democrats (Version A)
NAFTA Economic Weapon of Mass Destruction
NAFTA: A Pact Made In Hell (1998)
Much has been said and written on NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement. As the economy lurches into recession after recession, some are selling NAFTA as the be all, end all, a solution to… Full Transcript
Noelle: Yeah, I didn’t have one drop of liquor cause I was too- I was just like, I only drink when I’m happy. Mumia: What the hell is this? Noelle: Oh my God. He was… Full Transcript