Watching political debates is not my thing.
First of all, they’re hardly really debates; they are, more often than not, a series of sound-bites; often, of promises that both speakers and listeners know won’t be kept.
They remind me of the classic Peanuts comics, where Charlie Brown runs at a football to kick it, and Lucy promises to hold the ball. (We all know she won’t).
Politics in America ain’t about the voting; it’s about the money. It’s about corporate power, not people’s power.
The recent case of Citizens United has only exacerbated that trend.
Ultimately, Americans adore and fear the rich.
Devoid of princes and earls, they bow their peasant heads to the wealthy, as if their very blood compels them.
What else can explain the emergence of GOP frontrunner, Donald Trump, or the preeminence of Democratic frontrunner, Hillary Clinton? It ain’t policies. And, with Hillary, it certainly ain’t either policy or personality.
Two rich people: a billionaire and millionaire.
What have they got in common with average people?
Republicans are running on rudeness and nastiness.
Democrats are running on niceness (except for those in the Mid-East, of course) and promises of jobs.
After NAFTA, those days are over.
Both are for corporate power – and corporate interests.
The middle class is shrinking like seaweed on seashore.
It’s embarrassing to even mention the Working Class.
And no one mentions the state’s wars against Black Americans. It’s like a gentlemen’s agreement. Not to be discussed.
Not to be touched, lest it frighten white voters.
We are in the midst of the biggest, most diverse, broadest human rights movement since the 1960s – and the political response is cynical silence.
Surely it’s so because they have no response; for the system rests on repression.
It can’t exist without exploitation, racism, state violence.
So the choice remains: Boorish? Or Boring?