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Unavailable LWOP Programming

Darren Stanley (KnowledgeBorn GodAllah)

Yo peace! This is KnowledgeBorn GodAllah, calling to stand in solidarity. I’m in Solano State Prison. And I want y’all to know that I just been joined into a group called the LWOP group. It’s… Full Transcript

On Restrictive Release List Of Solitary Confinement

Derrick Gibson

Hi, my name is Derrick Gibson, a prisoner in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections on the restricted release list of solitary confinement. After a week-long hunger strike and protest of the prison conditions of long-term… Full Transcript

On Other Prisoners Compilation

Mumia Abu-Jamal

“Last of Angola Three Free.” Albert Woodfox, the last of the Angola Three, walked free. Albert Woodfox has the dubious distinction of having spent 43 years in the hole—solitary confinement—in the infamous prison farm and… Full Transcript

Cetewayo Freed from the Hole

Mumia Abu-Jamal

On the white card above his cell door, the name Arthur Johnson is typed, followed by his prison number. Johnson has been held in solitary confinement in half a dozen PA prisons, since 1979, late… Full Transcript

Maroon Prevails

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Russell Maroon Shoatz, a Black Liberation fighter since his youth, after many years of struggle, has prevailed in his action to bar the Pa. Dept. of Corrections (DOC) from ever holding him in isolation again.… Full Transcript