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Covering Up The Mold at WHV
Okay, how you doing? My name is Krystal Clark. My inmate number is 435064, and I’m in WHV. It’s a lot going on right now. This prison is – we getting harassed, retaliate from calling… Full Transcript
Nothing Is Being Done
Hi, my name is Krystal Clark. My inmate number is 435064. I’m in WHV Huron Women’s Valley Prison. It’s – I don’t even, I don’t even know where to start, it’s so much going on… Full Transcript
Retaliation For Calling Prison Radio
Okay. My name is Marcia Graham. My prison number is 849136. I’m calling today because another fellow person here, Jackson, gave us all the number or whatever to call and inform you all about what’s… Full Transcript
Retaliation For Hunger Strike
Okay, hello world, my name is Mansa Musa, and I’m currently incarcerated at the RJ Donovan Correctional Facility in San Diego, California. I want to bring awareness to an incident that’s transpiring in my life,… Full Transcript
Hey y’all, this is Comrade Pitt, Peter Kamal Mukuria, 1197165, currently here at Red Onion Prison, Virginia. So upon my arrival here at Red Onion Prison, I was subject to retaliation such as being deprived… Full Transcript
8 Years In The Hole
Hi, my name is Derrick Gibson, a prisoner in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. I have been held in the hole, isolated on a restricted release list of indefinite lockdown over eight years now. I… Full Transcript
Weapons Planted by a Prison Guard
My name is Zohnpierre Perkins. I’m a 28-year-old black activist at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility. And I would like to say what the word that ends up. On May 25th of this year, a cat… Full Transcript
Investigation of Abuse at PADOC
Hi, my name is Derrick Gibson, a prisoner in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, and I’m strongly advocating for disclosure and investigation of the abuse of prisoners and their rights by corrupt staff at SCI… Full Transcript
My Silencing
I thank Prison Radio for this platform and allowing people in my condition, that’s routinely silenced, the real opportunity to have a voice. I am a son, brother, nephew, cousin, father, uncle, and decent man… Full Transcript
This is Kenjuan Congo Jr. from the belly of the beast. The repression of prisoners is a common practice in these human warehouses. This is seen all across the country. The United States Supreme Court… Full Transcript