Prison Radio
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Women of the Revolution: Janine & Janet Africa

Mumia Abu-Jamal

“Women of MOVE.” Several days ago, after discussion with sister Suzanne, I began thinking about a piece on the women of MOVE. This seemed especially timely after the recent release of several MOVE sisters: Debbie,… Full Transcript

The Truth Hurts but TRUE Works

Dontie Mitchell

In my last commentary, I talked about the TRUE program in the Cheshire Correctional Institution in Connecticut. It’s a program where young prisoners, 18 to 25 years old, are housed together along with a small… Full Transcript

For Freedom: Kim Kardashian West Strikes Again

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“For Freedom: Kim Kardashian West Strikes Again” by Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall. Reality TV star Kim Kardashians West is surprising everyone by championing the cause of freedom for incarcerated Black women and men serving mandatory death… Full Transcript

There Is Nothing Like the Human Rights Coalition

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“There is nothing like the Human Rights Coalition organization,” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. The Human Rights Coalition, HRC, in Pennsylvania is the most dynamic organization in America. The HRC began the current criminal justice reform… Full Transcript