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The Truth Hurts but TRUE Works
In my last commentary, I talked about the TRUE program in the Cheshire Correctional Institution in Connecticut. It’s a program where young prisoners, 18 to 25 years old, are housed together along with a small… Full Transcript
Decarcerate Us
First off, I like to give my appreciation to those on the outside for the doing what you do to help us prisoners, however little or big. But to introduce myself, my name’s James Ward,… Full Transcript
UFD is the original TRUE
Two days ago, I received an article entitled quote, “How Scott Semple Helped Turn Connecticut’s Prisons Into a Nationally Recognized Laboratory of Reform,” end quote, which was posted I had just come back to… Full Transcript
The Struggle Continues
I’m a man of action. So it bothers me I’m stuck in prison and thus limited in the impact I can make in this world to help myself, help my family, and to help others.… Full Transcript
Another Struggle
“Another Struggle.” My beloved friends, I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to mention my dear big brother Keith Cook. Happy birthday, brother. We gather again another day in another year,… Full Transcript
Moving Toward Justice
“Moving Toward Justice.” We are right. For the first time in years, our forces are building again, cohering again, marching again. In California, an all-star roster of activists, writers, and revolutionaries are coming together, marking… Full Transcript
The People’s Forum NYC Part 2
Host: You’re at the People’s Forum in Manhattan. It’s organization-movement central, and you are the man of the hour right now. I’m going to pass you over to Dr. Robin Spencer who’s the host tonight.… Full Transcript
For Freedom: Kim Kardashian West Strikes Again
“For Freedom: Kim Kardashian West Strikes Again” by Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall. Reality TV star Kim Kardashians West is surprising everyone by championing the cause of freedom for incarcerated Black women and men serving mandatory death… Full Transcript
There Is Nothing Like the Human Rights Coalition
“There is nothing like the Human Rights Coalition organization,” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. The Human Rights Coalition, HRC, in Pennsylvania is the most dynamic organization in America. The HRC began the current criminal justice reform… Full Transcript
Poor People: King’s Real Last Dream
“Poor People. King’s Real Last Dream.” When we mentioned Martin Luther King’s name today, the image arises of his “I have a dream” speech in Washington, D.C. which has been replayed by media more than… Full Transcript
Goodnight Kiilu
“Goodnight Kiilu.” To people in California’s north, the name Kiilu Nyasha is familiar like an aunt or another relative. To them, she was a voice of resistance heard on public radio, mostly heard on her… Full Transcript
Mumia’s Message for the MOVE Conference
To you all, long live John Africa. This is your brother, Mumia Abu-Jamal, joining you the only way I can right now—on the phone. But I want you to know that all of you, MOVE… Full Transcript
A Beginning
“A Beginning.” It has begun. Today marks the second day since I began the treatment regimen of direct-acting antiviral drugs, or DAADs, designed to eliminate Hepatitis C from my system. You, the people, made this… Full Transcript
Delbert Africa: MOVE Member
His name is Delbert Africa, a well-known member of the MOVE organization of Philadelphia. But if you’re in your twenties or thirties or even your forties, you may be forgiven if you don’t know the… Full Transcript
“Women of MOVE.” Several days ago, after discussion with sister Suzanne, I began thinking about a piece on the women of MOVE. This seemed especially timely after the recent release of several MOVE sisters: Debbie,… Full Transcript