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Positive Community in Prison
Hello, this is Mr. Eddie Treadwell at Kinross Correctional Facility in Michigan. I’ve been incarcerated now for 32 years in prison and just submitted a commutation to the governor trying to get out of prison.… Full Transcript
My Need To Be Free
Hello, this is Mr. Eddie Treadwell at Kinross Correctional Facility here in Michigan, and I would like to express my need to be free. I’ve been incarcerated now for 32 years for a crime, trying… Full Transcript
Divine Lessons Part 2
This is Sheik Abdul Salaam-Bey calling from Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, KS. This is piece is divine lessons part two. The spiritual life in disarray is a shadow of the standing institution which dominates… Full Transcript
An Introduction to Eddie Treadwell
I’m Mr. Eddie Treadwell over here at Alger Michigan correction facility. And today I like to speak a little bit about who is Mr. Eddie Treadwell to give you a little insight of view of… Full Transcript
Divine Lessons
This is Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey, also known as Charlie Hughes, at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility at Hutchinson, Kansas. This piece is called “Divine Lessons: Part One.” Success is having a deep sense of peace and… Full Transcript
Intelligence Rules The World
Hello today. My name is Eddie Treadwell. I’m a prisoner here in Alger Correctional Facility, a Michigan prison. And I would like to talk about today how intelligence rules the world and ignorance bears its… Full Transcript
What I Had To Overcome
This is Mr. Eddie Treadwell in Michigan Correctional Facility in Michigan, and I’m a prison reform activist. And I would like to discuss or express what I had to overcome and what I had to… Full Transcript
Variety Blues
Alright, this is Steven Nicholson in Cotton Correctional Facility from Jackson, MI, 492918. I just wanted to go on the record. We are one prison out of three in Michigan right now that is trying… Full Transcript
Discovering Forgiveness
Yes, hello, this is Mr. Eddie Treadwell, a prisoner in a Michigan correctional facility, Alger Correctional Facility that is. And I’m a prison reform activist who’s been working towards trying to create some form of… Full Transcript
I am Izell Robinson, Minnesota inmate number 210006. As we all know, this month is mental health awareness month. All of you who listen to my commentaries know that lately I’ve had a struggle with… Full Transcript
Sitting In A Cell..
My name is Robert Neibler, 399870. Baraga Correctional Facility, 13924 Wadaga Road, Baraga, MI 49908. Sitting in a cell block somewhere in Northern Michigan is a man screaming, “They took my child” at a volume… Full Transcript
Parole Board
My name is Jamil Pirant. I’m calling from Indiana DOC. This is called “Parole Board.” Maybe two weeks ago, I was at work, and I heard the CO come on the floor and say, “Who… Full Transcript
In The Moment
My name is Joseph Kwaha, and I’m calling out of SCI Chester. As my buttocks are planted firmly upon this top bunk, my legs are dangling off the side of it. My feet are circling… Full Transcript
An Introduction
My name is Verlie Word. Location, Nottoway Correctional in Virginia Department of Corrections. I’m serving multiple life sentences in the Virginia Department. In 1993, two men lost their lives because of my action. I do… Full Transcript
The Elasticity of Mediocrity pt. 2
This is Izell Robinson, inmate number 210006, Minnesota prisoner, with part two of “The Elasticity of Mediocrity: The Resistance of Averageness.” That empowerment that wakes us up with purpose comes down to knowing who we… Full Transcript
The Elasticity of Mediocrity pt. 1
I am Izell Robinson, Minnesota inmate number 210006, an innocent man confined within the quadrilaterals of systemic injustice, fighting to be heard and affect positive change. With that said, I want to introduce a speech… Full Transcript
Praying For Wisdom
This is Dallas Britt, 225132 at Minnesota Correctional Facility, Rush City, Rush City, MN, 7600-525 Street, Rush City, MN 55069. “Praying For Wisdom.” I think it’s just as important as praying for the removal of… Full Transcript
On Meditation
What was going on now? Peace, well, peace, well, all is well. I hope all is well new for all those out there that’s going through, you know, this transition of normalcy in so many… Full Transcript
Mental Health Awareness Month
Hi, I’m Izell Robinson, Minnesota inmate number 210006, an innocent man confined within the quadrilaterals of systemic injustice, fighting to be heard and to affect positive change. Yet to accomplish success, I need you to… Full Transcript
If you have a particular offense or long term sentence in prison, you are immediately flagged as non-priority and made ineligible for a majority of vocational, educational, or college programs, meaningful work assignments, Housing America… Full Transcript