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If There Were No Police

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

If there were no police, there would be more peace,  No more violent deceased, the violence would cease.  This ain’t fantasy, it’s fact. With their feet on our back,  The pigs are the ones holding… Full Transcript


Faluch Bigsby

Hello, folks, today I want to talk about energy. I want to talk about us being receptive to energy and us putting energy into the universe. Everybody has read on these cosmic lines of energy… Full Transcript

Public Health

Charles Karim Diggs

My name is Charles Karim Diggs, calling from, uh, Pennsylvania, Graterford prison. And, uh, this additional, uh, topic I would like to talk about public health. There is a public health problem in America, which… Full Transcript

Afeni Shakur 1947-2016

Mumia Abu-Jamal

She was born Alice Faye Williams in the dusty little town of Lumberton, North Carolina – January 10, 1947. A dimpled little Black girl, who grew into a petite young revolutionary known as Afeni Shakur,… Full Transcript

Ehrlichman: War on Drugs Really War on Blacks and Hippies

Mumia Abu-Jamal

For the youth of today, the name John Ehrlichman rings no bells. For people who lived through the ’60s, it is either famous or notorious. The name references a former high-ranking member of the White… Full Transcript

Black Lives Have Never Mattered In The United States of America And Never Will