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Choose Your Devil
Name your devil. I’ve never seen an election like this ever. The stakes are sky high, yes, but the options are bottom low, especially for black folks. None promise relief from the hell we inhabit… Full Transcript
DN Interview Amy Goodman
The Party is Over
In recent days, the presidential campaign has exploded. Videotapes of Donald J. Trump glorying in his sexual conquests (or attempts) have caused a hemorrhaging of support–especially among women, who are shocked and sickened by his… Full Transcript
The Politics of Challenge = The Politics of Change
Message in French for A la fête de l’Humanité
Message in English for A la fête de l’Humanité
Media Mayhem
Theater of the Absurd
When I was a young Panther, a tiny, bald, blue-eyed Frenchman came to visit the national headquarters in Berkeley, California. David Hilliard, the Chief of Staff of the Black Panther Party, greeted him briefly, and… Full Transcript
Choose Your Poison
Donald Trump: Genius or Idiot?
The Trump Pump
The emergence of Donald J. Trump as the polestar of the Republican Party has much to do with his penchant for outrageous comments, but it has much more to do with the media’s need to… Full Transcript
Don’t Let The Perfect Be The Enemy of The Good
The Rise of the Imperial Feminine
If Democratic hopes are fulfilled, Hillary Rodham Clinton will shortly become the 45th President of the United States, the first of her gender in history. While that is indeed remarkable, it should be noted that… Full Transcript
“The Clinton Show”
As the Democratic National Convention rolls out its latest episode of the long-running “The Clinton Show”. It is threatened, as are all old programs, by an audience that has grown beyond the show’s characters. Starring… Full Transcript
Mumia Abu-Jamal on Democracy Now!
AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!, We are “Breaking with Convention: War, Peace and the Presidency.” I’m Amy Goodman, with Juan González. We’re broadcasting from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, broadcasting outside that… Full Transcript
Another One Gone
And now, comes another. Alton Sterling, father, husband, beloved of his family and friends, joins a tragic train of death: Mike Brown, Rekiah Boyd, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, and on; and on; and… Full Transcript
Why Black and Latino Americans Won’t Vote for Trump or the Republican Party
Lets face some truths here, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has an image problem of being racist, xenophobic, sexist, and a politically unpolished blabbering brute. Trump represents everything that is wrong with the Republican Party.… Full Transcript
For the party, everything, for the people, nothing. air jordan 4 retro red thunder Exclusive: Cowboys Great Darren Woodson Reacts To Safeties Going into Canton – 'Awesome!' – FanNation Dallas Cowboys News, Analysis and More… Full Transcript