Prison Radio
  • 64 years old
  • 45 years of incarceration
  • Free!

Table of Contents

  1. Commentaries
  2. Biography
  3. Resources


Kenneth Hartman has published 29 commentaries. Latest commentaries:
Title Duration Date
Affirmation read by Kenneth Hartman 03:51 02/25/18
Not The Last Days Of The Republic 02:14 02/15/17
Interview on The Other Death Penality Project 16:13 02/10/17
“Ok Now What” 02:07 12/29/16
The Work Begins 02:12 11/14/16
What If The Prison System Is All Wrong 02:08 11/03/16
The Cost of Loss 05:51 10/07/16
When the Masks Come Off and the Riot Gear Comes Out 02:00 09/29/16
If You Die in Prison, It’s the Death Penalty 02:03 08/16/16
Don’t Let The Perfect Be The Enemy of The Good 01:56 08/03/16
From In Here 02:07 07/15/16
We’re the Barbarians 02:17 04/20/16
It Turns Out We’re the Barbarians 05:00 04/19/16
We Don’t Need Another Moderate 04:05 02/18/16
The Hardest Time 04:50 12/01/15
Speech to the National Convention of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty 10:15 11/30/15
You Will Know Them By Their Actions 03:19 10/22/15
The Nightmare of Remembering 05:28 10/11/15
What Are They Hiding? 02:57 10/04/15
It’s Torture in Here Too 03:12 08/31/15
The Conversation’s Started 02:52 07/28/15
Prisoners Remain Less Than Human 03:04 07/05/15
America’s Punishment Addiction 03:32 05/31/15
Stop Strip Searching My Mom 04:21 05/23/15
Kenneth Hartman on MOVE Bombing 30th Anniversary 00:48 05/11/15
35 Years Gone 06:02 04/08/15
The Dark Side of American Exceptionalism 06:20 02/23/15
America’s Got A Prison Problem 05:35 01/31/15
The Trouble With Prison 08:50 01/17/15


Kenneth Hartman is an activist and writer. Many of his pieces about his lived experiences in prison have been featured in major publications including The New York Times in 2009 and Harper’s Magazine in 2014, and he has published several pieces for The Marshall Project. Throughout his incarceration, he was an outstanding advocate on behalf of himself and his peers in demand for better conditions. Notably, he was one of the proponents of the “Honor Yard” in California State Prison in Lancaster, a program involving “600 inmates who have promised to avoid drugs, gang activity and violence against each other or prison staff and who live in a section of the prison separated from the general inmates” where they may take training and classes. He additionally serves as the executive director of The Other Death Penalty Project, an organization that aims to spread awareness about the inhumanity of life without parole sentences.


Title Date

Life after Life

Activist Kenneth Hartman Reflects on Time Incarcerated

Kenneth Hartman discusses prison reform and “the other death penalty”

Therapy in Prison

The Other Death Penalty Project

The War on Drugs Isn’t Even Working in Prison

Death by Another Name

‘Mother California: A Story of Redemption Behind Bars’ by Kenneth Hartman

Voices from Solitary: Kenneth E. Hartman on “The Other Death Penalty”

Fighting to End the Other Death Sentence: Life Without Parole